WorkCover & CTP Claims
Our doctors can help you get back on your feet and recover from a workplace injury or motor vehicle accident.

WorkCover (worker’s compensation) is a form of insurance designed for employees who are injured at work or who develop an illness as a result of their work environment.
This coverage includes essential payments to help employees manage their financial responsibilities by covering their wages during the period when they are unable to work due to their injury or illness, as well as addressing medical expenses and rehabilitation costs necessary for their recovery. The WorkCover scheme was introduced by the NSW government to promote and ensure the highest standards of health and safety for employees in the workplace. Under the guidelines of WorkCover, all employers are required to adhere to regulations concerning occupational health and safety, effective injury management, and comprehensive workers’ compensation coverage to protect their employees.
Our doctors can help patients recover from workplace injuries and motor vehicle accidents by:
Educating them about their injury and recovery options
Recommending treatments to aid recovery
Serving as the main contact for information about treatment and recovery for employers, insurers, and others involved in their care.
What are the steps to open a claim?
If you sustain a work-related injury, you need to notify your employer and contact your GP immediately for advice and a WorkCover certficate. You may need to pay for your initital consultation and certificate in accordance with SIRA, but you will be reimbursed this from the insurance company once your claim is active. Your insurer will give you a WorkCover claim number and a case manager – you will need these details to your doctor.
For more information on worker’s compensation or CTP, please contact us and one of our friendly receptionists can assist you.
If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident, you can make a compulsory third party (CTP) insurance claim for benefits such as income support payments, medical expenses and/or vocational rehabilitation programs while you recover.
For a motor vehicle crash in NSW, make a report to the police to get an event number. Call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444 to report the crash (you can do this before lodging a CTP claim). To receive back pay following your accident, the insurer needs to receive the claim within 28 days. You can still submit a claim up to 3 months after the accident, but it’s best to submit a claim and see a GP to obtain a certificate as soon as possible.
Certificate of Capacity
Usually completed by the worker’s nominated treating doctor , the certificate of capacity is used in the NSW workers compensation system to describe the nature of a worker’s injury/illness, their capacity for work, and the treatment required for a safe and durable recovery.
The certificate of capacity provides essential information to the insurer, including:
the worker's name and details
the type of injury/illness (diagnosis) and date it occurred
information on the planned treatment
how the injury affects the worker's ability to do normal activities including work
the details of the medical practitioner who completed the certificate including their provider number.
If you have any further questions, please speak to one of our receptionists who will assist you in your journey to recovery.