
Introducing MyMedicare

As part of an ongoing commitment to strengthening Medicare for all Australians, the Australian Government has introduced MyMedicare, a voluntary patient registration model that aims to formalise the relationship between patients, their general practice, general practitioner (GP) and primary care teams. Seeing your GP regularly and formalising the relationship you have with your GP and practice through MyMedicare can lead to better health outcomes.

What are the benefits of MyMedicare?

  • Greater continuity of care with your family doctor.

  • Longer MBS telephone calls with your usual general practice, allowing for more comprehensive discussions about your health with your doctor.

  • A dedicated preventative health team commited to helping ensure you receive the long-term health benefits you deserve.

  • Formalised relationships with your practice and your GP.

Option 1: Register via the Medicare Express app

  1. On the home screen under services, click on MyMedicare

  2. Click the green ‘Start’ button.

  3. You will then be prompted to enter the details of our practice. In the Practice name field, enter “Southern Doctors Clinic” and click ‘Search’.

  4. Select our clinic from the list that appears and click ‘Next’.

  5. Select your preferred GP from the list of our doctors and click ‘Next’.

  6. You will then be taken to the ‘About You’ section of your registration. At this point in time, this section is optional - you can skip these questions by clicking ‘Next’ until you reach the ‘Review and Submit’ page.

  7. Review the information you provided and if everything looks ok, click ‘Submit Registration’.

How to register for MyMedicare

Option 2: Register with a MyMedicare registration form

You are able to register for MyMedicare by completing a registration form in one of the following ways:

  1. You can ask one of our receptionists for a hard copy of the registration form at your next appointment.

  2. You can download a PDF version of the form by clicking here and then emailing the form to

  3. You can complete the registration form via HotDoc by clicking here or scanning the QR code.
    Once your form is completed via HotDoc, it will be automatically sent to us.


  • Registration in MyMedicare will provide a formal signal to your practice and your GP that you see them as your regular care team and will help them provide better coordinated and continuous healthcare. Your MyMedicare practice and preferred GP will appear on your My Health Record, unless you choose not to display this, so other health professionals you may see – for example at public hospitals – will know who to talk to about your regular care.

  • No, registration in MyMedicare is voluntary. Patients will still be able to access MBS-funded and DVA equivalent primary care services if they are not registered in MyMedicare.

  • Registration in MyMedicare is voluntary and open to Australians who have a Medicare card or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Veteran Card. There is no charge to register.

  • Patient eligibility requirements are designed to ensure patients have an existing relationship with a practice and GP before registering in MyMedicare. This relationship is important in delivering high-value ongoing care to patients. These requirements will also reduce the risk of other practices attempting to register patients that don’t attend their practice.

    Most patients will need to have 2 face-to-face visits with the same practice in the previous 24 months to be eligible to register. This is an appropriate threshold for most patients to show they attend a regular practice to access their care.

  • Yes, MyMedicare registration is open to all Australians, including people who receive DVA funded health services using a Veteran Gold or White Card. DVA Veteran Card holders can register with MyMedicare using their Veteran Card or Medicare card (if they have one).

    Patients can only have one registration, which will apply to any relevant Medicare and/or DVA-funded service, regardless of if a Veteran Card or Medicare card has been used to register.

    Patients who register with a DVA Veteran Card will need to fill out a registration form at the practice, as registration via Medicare online services can only be completed using a Medicare card. DVA clients who choose to use their Medicare card to register will have access to self-service features via their Medicare online services.

  • Yes, once a patient has registered with MyMedicare they will be able to change their registered practice at any time, noting eligibility requirements still apply. They will not need to inform their previous practice when registering with a new practice as the system will notify the previous practice of the change.

  • A patient can change their registered practice at any time by creating a new registration via any of the registration methods, noting they will have to meet the eligibility criteria for the new practice to be able to register.

    A patient can only have one active MyMedicare practice registration at any point in time. When a new registration is recorded, the previous registration will be automatically withdrawn and the practice will be notified. The patient can also change their preferred GP at any time using their Medicare online services or speaking with practice staff.

  • MyMedicare is a new voluntary patient registration system that will enable patients to register with their regular general practice, preferred GP and primary care team to deliver greater continuity of care.

    My Health Record is Australia’s secure national electronic health record system. My Health Record is a secure online summary of a patient’s clinical health information. It provides patients and their healthcare providers with access to vital health information at the point of care, including in an emergency. This can include shared health summary, current medicines and prescriptions, immunisation history, hospital discharge information and Medicare, DVA and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) claims history.

    Unlike the My Health Record, MyMedicare will not hold clinical health information about the patient. Its purpose is to link the patient with their regular practice and support continuous care at that practice. The details of a patient’s registered practice and preferred GP will be visible in the patient’s My Health Record, unless they choose not to display this, so other treating clinicians can see who the patient’s regular practice and preferred GP are. More information on My Health Record is available at

Patient resources